Tagged: September 11th
American Anthrax
Media Roots presents American Anthrax, a documentary comprised of news footage that establishes, by history’s own narration, how everything you’ve been told about the Anthrax Attacks is a lie. Conceptualized, edited and produced by...
The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left
by Charles Shaw ©, May 16th, 2005 Last February United for Peace and Justice, the largest representative coalition within the American “anti-war movement”, emerged from their second annual Assembly with a 2005 “action plan”...
911 coverup: Bombshell interview of Richard Clarke by Duffy and Nowosielski
Recommended the other day by Peter Dale Scott, along with his “Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia,” for those following the news on the Saudi connection.
The Semiotic Deception of September 11th
by Phillip D. Collins ©, Dec. 31st, 2004 Replete with esoteric symbols, conspiracy research certainly warrants semiotic examination. Although fraught with historical flaws and theological distortions, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown acknowledges...
The Hidden Face of Terrorism
by Paul David Collins ©, 2002 The following is an edited extract from The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11, by Paul David Collins. In...
How the CIA created Osama bin Laden
BY NORM DIXON ©, 19 September 2001 This article first appeared in Green Left Weekly, Australia’s leading leftwing newspaper. Posted with permission of the author. “Throughout the world … its agents, client states and...