Tagged: Phillip D. Collins


When Malthusians Become Messiahs

by Phillip D. Collins, August 27th, 2009 Nowadays, anyone and everyone who raises a disparaging word about the Obama Administration’s policies is immediately assigned the stigma of “alarmist,” “scaremonger,” or “paranoid.” Perhaps such stigmas...


America, Inc.: Land of Corporate Reign

by Phillip D. Collins ©, July 11th, 2008 Benito Mussolini said, “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” This model of economic fascism was...


The Mythmakers of Modernity

By Phillip D. Collins Author’s note: The following is excerpted from the forthcoming book, Invoking the Beyond, which I am co-authoring with Paul David Collins. As all of humanity’s treasured metaphysical propositions (e.g., the...