Tagged: Paul David Collins


War in the Heavens

by Paul David Collins, May 31st, 2009 Appearing on the podcast Beyond the Grassy Knoll always provided this writer with a great opportunity to kick around the hypothetical peanut. The March 8, 2009 show...


Human Compromise

by Paul David Collins ©, April 10th, 2008 Stone When the Spitzer scandal broke out, the first person this author thought to call was retired New York Police Detective James “Jim” Rothstein. Jim is...


Deep Oil, Deep Politics

by Paul David Collins ©, April 2nd, 2008 It’s a move that is causing fear among the left in Mexico. Mexican president Felipe Calderon intends to present an energy reform bill to the Mexican...


The Deep Politics of God Revisited

by Paul David Collins ©, March 31st, 2008 The Kunz Murder Some crime scenes are so grisly and gruesome that they beggar description. One such scene was discovered on March 4th, 1998 by a...


The Ghost of Roy Cohn

by Paul David Collins ©, May 7th, 2007 Her name is Deborah Jeane Palfrey and she has Washington circles worried. Why are powerful and important people breaking into a sweat when they hear Palfrey’s...


The Cambodian Memory Hole

by Paul David Collins ©, April 27th, 2007 Cambodia has a serious problem. Many of the nation’s young people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that the Khmer Rouge...


In Bed With the Enemy

by Paul David Collins ©, Sept. 28th, 2006 Huey Long once asserted that fascism would first appear in America as anti-fascism. Whether you consider the man to have been a hero or a tyrant,...