Tagged: Hermann Schüttler
Gotha Illuminati Research Base (here and here). *1741, †1802, privy councillor, Oberlehnshofkommissar, Munich, member of the Illuminati under the code name ‘Alphered’ [Alfred the Great]. And here, from Hermann Schüttler: Aretin (1741 Ingolstadt – 1802 Munich),...
by Terry Melanson (22/2/2011) 1. Charles-Pierre-Paul, Marquis de Savalette de Langes (1745-1797) Alias: Bias Savalette de Langes was the son of Charles Pierre Savalette de Magnanville (1713-1790) – intendant of the Generality of Tours...
by Terry Melanson (17/6/2009) After Adam Weishaupt had fled in 1785, the center of activity for the Illuminati shifted from Bavaria to the Duchies of Saxe-Gotha and Saxe-Weimar. And while the founder of the...
by Terry Melanson (17/2/2009) There’s two Illuminati with the last name Jung identified in Hermann Schüttler’s Die Mitglieder des Illuminatenordens 1776-1787/93 (Munich: Ars Una 1991): Franz Wilhelm Jung (1757-1833) and Johann Sigmund Jung (1745-1824)....