Tagged: Bavarian Illuminati
by Terry Melanson, July 6th 2012 The exposure and persecution of the Illuminati had barely commenced. Adam Weishaupt fled from the Bavarian authorities in February of 1785. Two weeks after his hasty escape, Elector...
By Terry Melanson (9/8/2016) A Rupert Murdoch company purchased a 73% controlling interest in National Geographic Magazine in September 2015. In November they layed off 180 employees in what The Washington Post called the...
Drawing mostly upon Annie Jacobsen’s The Pentagon’s Brain, is a summary of some important details in the history of DARPA. The article, by Jake Anderson, purports to be a list of “15 historical facts.”...
Searchlight Magazine, the antifascist parapolitical publication, posted a piece about the importance of the recently-deceased P2-boss Licio Gelli: The likely date when Gelli became involved with the CIA is probably right at the start...
By Terry Melanson (February 18, 2013) Amongst the source material utilized during the writing of Perfectibilists, was a 1956 International Review of Social History article by Arthur Lehning: “Buonarroti and His International Secret Societies.”...
by Terry Melanson (22/2/2011) 1. Charles-Pierre-Paul, Marquis de Savalette de Langes (1745-1797) Alias: Bias Savalette de Langes was the son of Charles Pierre Savalette de Magnanville (1713-1790) – intendant of the Generality of Tours...
by Terry Melanson (7/1/2010) Not widely known is the fact that some of the key ideas behind the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati came from a member of a German Studentenorden. In 1776 Adam...
by Terry Melanson (17/6/2009) After Adam Weishaupt had fled in 1785, the center of activity for the Illuminati shifted from Bavaria to the Duchies of Saxe-Gotha and Saxe-Weimar. And while the founder of the...
by Terry Melanson (26/4/2009) [Author’s note: My initial speculation was warranted, it seems; additional corroboration in the following post (and comments): “Was Jacob Frank a Rosicrucian?“] The Golden Dawn – of Mathers, Westcott, Crowley...
by Terry Melanson (17/2/2009) There’s two Illuminati with the last name Jung identified in Hermann Schüttler’s Die Mitglieder des Illuminatenordens 1776-1787/93 (Munich: Ars Una 1991): Franz Wilhelm Jung (1757-1833) and Johann Sigmund Jung (1745-1824)....