Conspiracy Archive Blog


Are the Rockefellers of Jewish Descent?

Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/07/30 An article at Henry Makow’s site by Willie Martin caught my attention. A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community...


Adam Curtis’ The Mayfair Set

The Mayfair Set is a series of films produced by Adam Curtis that study how buccaneer capitalists of hot money were allowed to shape the climate of the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise...


31st Pharavardin 1377 Y.Z.

Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/04/30 Tomorrow is the 233rd anniversary of the birth of the Order of the Illuminati in 1776. Their calendar was based upon the Zoroastrian religious calendar, commencing from...


Obamanoids … For Real!

Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/04/09 This doesn’t seem so farfetched after all. It surfaced during the presidential campaign. “An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches” purports to...