Category: Power Elite
Zbigniew Brzezinski speaks about Trilateral Commission (C-SPAN 1989)
Broadcast March 6, 1989 with C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb
Are the Rockefellers of Jewish Descent?
Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/07/30 An article at Henry Makow’s site by Willie Martin caught my attention. A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community...
Paul Collins — Lawyers, Guns, and Money
P.I.D. Radio 4/20/08: Paul Collins — Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Mark Sanford Confronted on Bilderberg Attendance and Media Blackout 12-9-08
Uploaded on Dec 19, 2008 Following a recent press conference in upstate South Carolina, Governor Mark Sanford was questioned about attending the Bilderberg Meeting in June 2008, and what he thought of the media...
Bilderberger Gideon Rachman: “the formation of some sort of world government is plausible”
Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2008/12/13 “Rapporteur” Gideon Rachman wrote a piece for the Financial Times on Dec. 8th, 2008: “And now for a world government.” Let’s take a look. I have never...
The Council on Foreign Relations and Tacks’ Tackle Shop
John W. Wallace – New York Campaign for Liberty (24/11/08) When I was growing up in the Inwood section of upper Manhattan, I remember when I was about 12 or 13 years old I...
Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith”
Rhodes originally wrote this on June 2, 1877, in Oxford. Later, that year in Kimberley, he made some additions and changes. What follows is that amended statement. The spelling and grammar errors were in...