Barry Chamish | 2006-05-02 - Sharon's doctors confessed. They murdered the Prime Minister, and on April 27 said so on the Channel Two show, Uvda, meaning, fact. They should have said, "Peres blew the first attempt on Dec. 19 because Sharon didn't drink enough poisoned tea. So these thugs cornered us and made us murder Sharon for good."
Barry Chamish | 2006-04-18 - I was in Cyprus for five days where I stayed with Jim Searcy. He had just produced a 9-11 CD and noted, "They screwed up Building 7 and UA Flight 93. If people figure those out, the scandal will fly."
Barry Chamish | 2006-04-11 - So Shimon Peres finagles his way to number two in the government. What does that mean to him? A fun trip to the Vatican. [...] if you're missing your fill of Sabbatian literature, allow us to keep you sated.
Barry Chamish | 2006-04-03 - This election, no one reported the spoiled votes, which could add up to over 2% of the results. But I'll guess that a perfect 40% of the country didn't vote at all or honestly. Well done. Still, what do we do with the 60% who do vote? In fact, what do we do with the Right?
Barry Chamish | 2006-03-24 - The country's leaders are the most deranged crooks the CFR can cook up. This time the mafia is led by an Olmert/Peres, with a Bibi ready to make it a third.
Barry Chamish | 2006-03-16 - "If you want to know Israeli political crime, you gotta read Dan Izenberg?" How often have you heard that? If you want a feel for the crime, you have to know the man who's following it for the Jerusalem Post. Right? Someone said that, no?
Barry Chamish | 2006-03-09 - Three weeks ago tomorrow I suffered a stroke. I actually returned from the hospital, wrote a finale text, which took me hours to write four sentences, gathered my goods in a bag and returned to the hospital. There I dealt with life's newest twists.
Barry Chamish | 2006-01-27 - Ehud Olmert has a fatal flaw. Fatal for Israel mostly. Give him a position of power and he exploits it to enrich himself, and damn the consequences for the country.
Barry Chamish | 2006-01-16 - On December 18, Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres raised wineglasses together in the Knesset. Half an hour later, Sharon suffered a stroke. He was brought into hospital by Yoram Rubin, the bodyguard who murdered Yitzhak Rabin.
Barry Chamish | 2006-01-03 - It has been barely a month since the Israeli government apparently agreed to cede some real estate on Jerusalem's Mount Zion to the Vatican and barely two weeks since I reported on the deep background to the affair. Since that time, a great deal of mail has arrived rounding out the picture.
Barry Chamish | 2005-12-21 - He was the Vatican's military tool for converting Europe to Roman Catholicism. He succeed magnificently and created what is known as the Holy Roman Empire but what was then called The Holy Roman Empire Of The German Nation. Charlemagne's capital was at Aachen and there he built his first cathedral.
Barry Chamish | 2005-12-12 - On Dec. 6, I received a phone call from the newspaper Kol Ha'ir asking my reaction to Itamar Ben Gvir's suit against me for 140,000 shekels. It was the first I had heard of it, so I stumbled through my reaction.
Barry Chamish | 2005-12-02 - Despite government insistence that no such photographs exist, some three years ago, I received a dozen photos of the backstage "sterile area" two minutes before and immediately after Yigal Amir shot his blanks at Yitzhak Rabin.
Barry Chamish | 2005-11-15 - Saturday Evening, November 12, 2005, Tel Aviv - 100,000 gather at the annual Rabin official memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin. Included were me and twelve of the bravest and best Jews Israel has to offer.
Barry Chamish | 2005-11-08 - I never thought I'd live to see the day when not just Haaretz, but Channel Two and Maariv stopped protecting the establishment and started acting like journalists. I never thought I'd ever see the day when Channels 33 and 10 invited me to prime time programs to debate the establishment.
Barry Chamish | 2005-10-27 - Rabin's memorial rally was delayed to accommodate Clinton. That pretty well sums up how badly Rabin's memory has been corrupted. But on the bright side, it gives us more time to prepare to be there with the truth.
Barry Chamish | 2005-10-14 - I warned you, that if something isn't done, the tenth anniversary of Rabin's murder will turn into an awful celebration by the enemies of Israel.
Barry Chamish | 2005-10-03 - Rosenwald is a member of the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), The CFR's James Wolfensohn "saved" Gush Katif's greenhouses, only to watch in glee as they were burnt to ashes minutes after the IDF departed the area. Now look who brokered the deal; a foundation begun by the highly-paid EU agent Yossi Beilin and Oslo negotiator Yair Hirschfeld.
Barry Chamish | 2005-09-21 - Isn't it amazing how quickly the refugees have organized for charity, yet they can't organize for their own justice. For that, there is no will. Permit me to suggest what should be done instead.
Barry Chamish | 2005-09-11 - Very shortly I will be questioned by the police for no reason [...] I will show up for questioning with as many documents and films as necessary to prove my research is correct. And I will once again, submit a complaint as I did over five years ago, that Peres as prime minister in 1995-96, led the official coverup of the Rabin murder.
PERFECTIBILISTS: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, by Terry Melanson
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, by Paul & Phillip Collins
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abbe Barruel
Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, by James H. Billington
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C. Sutton