Philipp Baden
Gotha Illuminati Research Base (here and here).
From Westhofen in the Alzey-Worms district. Studied law, 1776, Heidelberg; jurist/attorney, 1791 at Oberamt Alzey. Member of the Illuminati under the code name Diodorus Chronus.
Illuminati: Sept. 1782 Novice in Alzey; Dec. 1783 Illuminatus dirigens.
Johann Friedrich Mieg’s Illuminati Provincial report (to Weishaupt), December 12, 1783:
“Diodorus Chronus,” writes Mieg, is “very faithful to the Order, corresponds assiduously with those who have received him; day after day, he seeks to make himself more useful to the Order and to the world”
Nachtrag Von Weitern Originalschriften…, I, p. 180.