Franz Carl von Arnhard (*1744)
*1744, Factory Inspector, Munich, member of the Illuminati under the code name Telephus.
The Gotha Illuminati Research Base records that Arnhard was initiated into Freemasonry at the Lodge “St. Theodor vom guten Rat”, Munich — later known as Lodge St. Théodore du bon conseil.
Not related to Arnhard’s initiation, nonetheless the following certificates – the first courtesy of Josef Wages, the other from Le Forestier’s book – are from the Lodge.
The French certificate reads:
Nous les frere, Maitre, Surveillans et Secretaire de la juste et parfaite Loge St. Theodore du bon Conseil a Munich, constituée par la S. Loge de Royale York de l’Amitié établie a l’Orient de Berlin sous l’Autorite de la Sublime grande Loge de Londres, certifions que le Frere Sebastien Beer a été reçu par nous selon l’Ancienne Observance et Regles, et Inscript dans nos Listes dans les Grades L’Apprentif, Compagnon, et Maitres.
On Supplie tous les Maitre en Chaise, et tous les Freres de le reconoitre pour vrai et bon Frere et de l’admettre sans l’Examen rigoureux dans leurs Assemblées, comes aussi de lui accorder toutes sortes de Protection et l’Amitié fraternelles
Donné dans la juste et parfaite Loge St. Theodor du bon Conseil a Munich le 7/17 5780 [1780].
We, the Brothers, Master, Wardens and Secretary of the perfect and just lodge St. Theodore of Good Council in Munich, constituted by the S. Royal York lodge of Friendship established at the Orient of Berlin under the Authority of the Sublime Grand Lodge of London, certify that Brother Sebastian Beer has been received by us according to the Antient Observance and Rules, and inscribed in our Lists in the Grades of Apprentice, Fellow, and Master.
We implore all the Worshipful Masters, and all the Brothers to recognize him for a true and faithful Brother and to admit him without rigorous Examination into their Assemblies, and to grant him Protection and Fraternal Friendship.
Given in the just and perfect St. Theodore Lodge of the Good Council in Munich on 7/17 5780 [ie. 1780].
(Thanks to Josef Wages for help with translating some masonic terms)
The Owl of Minerva is clearly visible on the lodge’s seal in 1780.
René Le Forestier, Les Illuminés de Bavière et la Franc-Maçonnerie allemande (1914), plate after p. 192, highlighted this as well:
Certificat maçonnique sur parchemin délivré le 17 juillet 1780 par la Loge Théodore au Bon Conseil de Munich (Archives Secrètes de la Maison Royale de Bavière). Le cachet de la Loge, placé à gauche, porte une chouette (emblème de la Classe Minervale) parmi les attributs maçonniques. Le cachet de droite est celui du Chapitre Secret dont dépendait la Loge. On remarquera que les quatre dignitaires dont les signatures sont apposées sur le certificat appartiennent à l’Ordre.
[Masonic certificate on parchment issued on July 17, 1780 by the Theodore Lodge in the Good Council of Munich (Secret Archives of the Royal House of Bavaria). The seal of the Lodge, placed on the left, bears an owl (emblem of the Minerval Class) amongst other Masonic trappings. The seal on the right is that of the Secret Chapter on which the Lodge depended. It will be noted that the four dignitaries whose signatures are affixed to the certificate belong to the Order.]
Franz Carl von Arnhard was recorded as a Minerval at the Lodge in 1782. The new charter as St. Théodore du bon Conseil was started and controlled by the Illuminati and was used for recruiting, especially as a means to found sister chapters. As you can see from the following link (querying the Gotha Illuminati Research database), it had a significant membership.