Vanguard of the ‘Deep State’? The Council on Foreign Relations Centennial & the Future of the New World Order (Part 2)

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3 Responses

  1. Red Power says:

    The question is, who brought these populists/isolationists to power? Who are the foreign actors of this? For example, what is the role of traditionalists of the Vatican (Opus Dei, SMOM and other conservative Catholic organizations) in this “incident”? Btw, does Le Cercle, which is said to be an intelligence-linked organization at the center of the Gladio network and far-right populism in the 20th century, have anything to do with it? Where is the Christian Right in this “incident”? How was this “old” new isolationist anti-internationalist team organized so that they could once again launch such an offensive against their old enemies?

    • Will.B says:

      The 64 million dollar question! An organized shift, or a just part of the inevitable ebb and flow of support for internationalism in the US? Though in this case your question is perhaps more warranted than not as popular attitudes towards internationalism apparently remain intact. According to a recent poll from the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations with Ipsos, for example:

      “A majority of Americans (57%) says maintaining US military superiority is a very important factor to US global influence, and most think US military bases around the world enhance US military strength. Majorities of Americans want to either maintain or increase the US military presence in Asia-Pacific (78%), Africa (73%), Latin America (73%), Europe (71%), and the Middle East (68%).”

      If the shift to ‘America First’ is mostly an elite-driven movement, as it seems, then it must have rich and well-organized backers who have a particularly strong, likely financial interest in rejecting internationalism. But they have found a moment, though one might presume that its seeds were planted when the great Global War on Terror commenced in 2001. Back then a few discordant voices suggested, even if only momentarily, this program of war was aimed at ultimately weakening US power, redirecting resources to war rather than national renewal, and creating unsustainable government debts and other costs. Certainly an area worthy of further exploration.

  2. Bob Girard says:

    Excellent article!

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