Bilderberg Steering Committee Memo (9 March 1959)
9 March 1959
Memorandum to: Messrs. Dean, Heinz, Nebolsine, Rockefeller, Rusk, Jackson, Ball and Ferguson
From: Joseph E. Johnson
Subject: Bilderberg Group
As most of you know, Prince Bernhard decided last week that there should be a Steering Committee meeting on 21-22 March. The final decision was to make it an expanded Steering Committee meeting. The agenda will consist of two items:
- Discussion of the Berlin crisis.
- Plans for a proposed September conference.
With respect to (1), it seems desirabe to have both a brief background paper and a briefing from a top official in Washington.
With respect to (2), I enclose a copy of a memorandum of a conversation I had with Dr. Retinger some days ago on this subject. I also enclose a copy of a letter from George Nebolsine concerning the future in general.
It is hope that we can have a meeting next week with as many American members of the Steering Committee present as possible. I expect to hear from Arthur Dean about a suitable time for the meeting and will let you know as as I have heard from him. He will also arrange to have an appropriate person from Washington to be with us.