Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon

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14 Responses

  1. Triangle says:

    I’ve translated this article in French.
    I’ve also translated an other article of yours: MJ-12: The Technocratic Thread, which you’ve published on this website.
    There’s obviously a strong connection between the two articles, and also between the two phenomenons you’re discussing: the UFO/alien phenomenon and the atomic bomb phenomenon.
    The steps are exactly alike:
    – normative fiction makes the public aware of an issue (aliens or the bomb)
    – a crisis happens (War of the World hoax or Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
    – the population is scared beyond reason
    – the powers that be come up with a solution to solve the crisis: a totalitarian world government, or at the least a step toward a world government.

    But you (the Collins bros.) are taking two very different stances regarding these two phenomenons. When it comes to UFOs/aliens, your implicit interpretation is that it’s just a pityful scam. But when it’s the atomic bomb, which has the exact same narrative and characteristics as the UFO scam, you’re clearly acknolewdging the existence of the bomb.
    Why is that?
    If the UFO/alien is a hoax imposed on us by TPTB to establish a new world order described by H.G. Wells and the likes, why don’t you consider the atomic bomb to be a hoax as well?

  2. Phillip Collins says:

    It is pretty difficult to deny the atom bomb as an existential reality when you have Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I really don’t know how any sane individual could consider mushroom clouds rising from the scorched terrain of former Japanese cities to be a hoax. In contradistinction, UFO narratives tend to exhibit the fingerprints of terrestrial manipulation. We examine this topic further in our forthcoming book. We did an interview with Jay Dyer over this. The link is up at this website.

  3. Triangle says:

    Well, I’m sane enough to appreciate your work, and to waste my time translating it :-).

    But maybe I wasn’t clear enough in my previous post (I’m obviously much better at translating English than actually speaking it). I’m not denying the “existential reality” of the atomic bombs supposedly dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I’m strongly questionning it. And I’ve even been to Hiroshima a few years back, I’ve seen the memorial and everything.

    But you have to admit this article of yours should raise some questions, at the very least. Don’t you find it strange that normative fiction becomes the “existential reality” a few years later? And that it’s the exact same process than with the UFO scam? And that this normative fiction has the exact same purpose: the establishment of a global government? Don’t you find it strange that the idea for the chain reaction came from a book by H.G. Wells, and that it’s never been reproduced in a laboratory some 75 years later, except in some top-secret military laboratory without any peer review? Don’t you find it strange that the stories about nuclear proliferation/leaks of nuclear secrets only come from intelligence agencies (i.e. disinfo agencies), as you’ve stated in your article? How was it even possible for Oppenheimer and the others to pass “nuclear secrets” to the soviets and get away with it (and who knows what really happened to Sudoplatov?)? Don’t you find it strange that most of the nuclear tests footages were obvious fakes – for whatever reason (just take an ubiased look at them, especially the first ones, which are ridiculous)? Don’t you find it strange that the USAF has dropped 720000 leaflets on Hiroshima prior to the bombing? Was it to save lives, or to make sure there were as few witnesses as possible? And, by the way, a massive TNT explosion creates the exact same mushroom as an “atomic bomb”, and when you look at the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it pretty much looks like the aftermath of the conventionnal bombings of Tokyo, or Dresden or other German cities.
    That’s a lot of red flags, to my mind anyway.

    I believe you should probably read your own article again, but with the idea that the superweapon is nothing but a litterary fiction, brought on us to make us accept the idea of Wells’ new world order, or to strengthen the rule of the oligarchs by using a rhetoric of fear (or both).
    To sum it up, the idea of an atomic bomb hoax makes perfect sense, on every level (mostly in terms of social control, of course). I believe that your article gives a lot of fuel to this theory, whether you like it or not…. On the other hand, the idea that the atomic bomb actually exists and that the western elites pushed for nuclear proliferation seems a bit absurd.
    But then again, men may behave in absurd ways, sometimes…

    P.S. I’ve already listened to your interview with Jay Dyer on the UFO madness, and I’ve really enjoyed it. But it’s obvious that you were very skeptical about the “existential reality” of UFOs to begin with (a bias I do share with you). You have an opposite stance with the atomic bomb: you’re clearly biased in believing it’s real. You may want to try to be a bit more skeptical about it too.
    On a side note, I also have to say I’ve really appreciated your views on dominionism in this article. Very enlightning.

  4. Phillip Collins says:

    Uummmm… no, I don’t need to read my article. After all, I wrote it. Besides, nowhere in this article will you find an affirmation of the historically untenable position you’ve taken. Martha Bartter does not contend that the atomic bomb was some sort of chimera because it was first proposed in a work of fiction. Nor do I. We do contend, however, that the atomic bomb was the product of a a socio-cultural gedankenexperimente inspired by sci-fi literature. There is an enormous difference between that contention and the non sequitur that you are proposing.

    By the way, if you feel that translating this article was a waste of your time, then you are welcome to remove it from your website. In fact, it would be for the best since it doesn’t even remotely affirm your agnosticism concerning the atomic bomb (a position that vaguely echoes Holocaust denial).

    Sorry the article doesn’t uphold your epistemic insanity. Try looking elsewhere. There are plenty of other crackpots who might tell you what you want to hear.

  5. Triangle says:

    Non sequitur, holocaust denial, epistemic insanity, crackpot… Damn… I’m sorry I’ve hurt your feelings so bad.
    And no, I won’t remove this article from my website, unless you ask me to (and I haven’t been wasting my time with it, it was kind of a joke, although a poor one, I admit it).

    Nevertheless, I’m very surprised you’re not even considering the possibility that the atomic bomb could be a hoax.
    What are the premises of the atomic bomb?
    – Normative fiction
    – Scientific authorities claiming it’s real
    – Whatever the eastern/western governments told us about it, whether it was with the purpose of establishing a world government, or within the dialectical opposition of the Cold War.
    All of these points should raise some questions.
    I’m not even mentionning the testimonies of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They’re all wildly inconsistent and should all be dismissed (like most testimonies in most cases).

    “We do contend, however, that the atomic bomb was the product of a a socio-cultural gedankenexperimente inspired by sci-fi literature”. Is sci-fi so powerful that it has the ability to create superweapons out of thin air (or out of the mind of H.G. Wells)? New ideas, new concepts, new social paradigms, maybe. But weapons? Moreover, does the army really need the help of fiction to dream about a superweapon? Was that gedankenexperimente aimed at the powers that be, or at the masses? Obviously at the latter. And how could the average Joe create a superweapon? All he can do is believing a superweapon actually exists. That’s were normative fiction comes into play.

    I haven’t read your book “The ascendancy of scientific dictatorship” (yet). But I thought that after writing a book with a title like this one, you would be the kind of person that wouldn’t bow down to the scientific diktat that is the atomic bomb. I guess I was wrong… Or just a crackpot, maybe 🙂
    And you’re right, I’m an agnostic on this matter: I also believe the atomic bomb could be real. I guess I’m just lacking the faith to fully praise the greatest scientific miracle of the last two centuries.

    • Do you discount the thousands of open air tests as well? Is the entire world in on the hoax? How many people would it take to pull off such a thing – fake photos, fake videos, fake observers, fake physicists with fake research, and fake measurements from enumerable instruments all over the world? Not to mention fake nuclear power plants as well, based on the same fake principles.

      I’m sure you a have a rational explanation.

      • Phillip Collins says:

        Exactly. There is a fine line between reasonable skepticism and epistemic insanity.

      • Triangle says:

        One just has to compartmentalize the tasks and the informations, as shown in this quote from the article: ” By dividing the scientists into teams, each doing a small portion of the research, a high level of secrecy could be imposed […] Few argued against the stifling secrecy; even fewer felt they could properly direct how their work should be used.” Of course, these scientists would all be misdirected. Then all you need is to find some conventional explosives able to make a nice-looking mushroom, a few people to fake the photos and films (not that hard to do, and they don’t even have to know the big secret), a few others (who are not necessarily fully briefed either) to tell the world that Oppenheimer/whoever has passed nuclear secrets to the commies, or that the nasty A.Q. Khan is running a large-scale proliferation network, and that’s it. Of course, some selected top scientists, military brass and politicians have to be in on it – in major countries, that is (or countries like North Korea etc.).

        “Not to mention fake nuclear power plants as well, based on the same fake principles.” The reaction within a nuclear reactor is pretty simple: radioactive materials boiling water. The chain reaction which allegedly occurs in a nuclear bomb is an entirely different matter, and of course the actual science behind it is national hush hush. Two very different problems here.

        But I won’t bother you with this anymore, I’m kind of tired of mr. Collins’ namecalling – and pretty disappointed too, I have to say.

        • Phillip Collins says:

          I didn’t call you any names. I simply told you that you were wrong. Go back and read the thread.

          And, as for your disappointment, take it up with history. Reality doesn’t re-adjust itself to accommodate every notion we might entertain.

    • Andy says:

      This guy gets it ^

      • Andy says:

        Triangle that is…

        • Phillip Collins says:

          What is there to “get”? The detonation of nuclear bombs is an irrefutable historical reality. Scorched corpses and radiation sickness are not hoaxes. I know of several Japanese folks who would be more than a little outraged at these untenable assertions. Nutty propositions like these are what makes it so difficult to uphold the legitimacy of conspiracy research. Do the research field a favor and save these crazy claims for drunken dinner parties or comical screenplays. I no longer have the time or patience for them.

  6. Nessysuperstar says:

    Why are you so invested in the atom bomb and not questioning the supposed bombing? The wood houses all burned but the brick buildings are still there. That is a fact. Prove me wrong.

  7. Macaria says:

    Thanks to the Collins brothers for the article and to commenter Triangle for connecting the dots. “But what about Hiroshima?” they all say. Here is what Japanese man on the scene shorty after had to say:
    “In the early stages, members of the research group of the United States gave the impression of
    being well-cultured and intellectual Americans who loved peace. Soon, however, in the Allied Council
    for Japan of the Allied Forces a difficult situation began developing. All issues in relation to the atomic
    bomb casualty research were gradually shoved back into the category of secrecy. This change came to
    our notice around the middle of October in 1945. In February of the following year, we were faced with
    an entirely new policy. All newspaper companies were ordered to submit three copies each of all atomic
    bomb photographic prints, and, thereafter, they were confiscated by GHQ. It was in this period that we
    also were ordered to burn all original negatives that were in our possession. This which happened in
    journalistic circles was never made known to the public. As years passed, when we made inquiries of the
    newspapers, the answer was “We don’t have any photographs of the atomic bomb disaster because we
    have burned them. We have no knowledge at all”.
    The photographic record of the time was destroyed. A sanctioned record was promulgated. This is not the thing done to contemporary photographic evidence of high scientific value (2nd A-bomb ever detonated). This is the thing done to manage history – fabricate history.

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