The Androgynous World Order: Feminism, the LGBTI Movement, and the Abolition of Gender

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9 Responses


    I believe Satan keeps the Occult obsessed doing same sex acts and gender bending pressingly because of how Conservative Christians react to it. It’s a cycle.

    Contrary to popular opinion, Satan’s preferred strategy is to make people think God is stricter then he actually is. That’s what studying Genesis 3 shows, and why Jesus spoke against the Phrasiees.

  2. Phillip Collins says:

    Sorry, but the webpage to which you are linking is pretty lousy. Its author has a feeble grasp of history, logic, and theology. He is a member of the wacko KJV-only movement and embraces sola scriptura, which, as even a cursory perusal of patristic literature will reveal, is a 16th century novelty. His observations concerning deviant sexual proclivities are informed entirely by personal preferences masquerading as objective facts. As this article points out, even secular medical professionals acknowledge the plethora of health risks endemic to anal intercourse. The universe will not re-adjust itself to accommodate one’s aberrant desires. In short, I’m not sure what you are espousing, but peddle it somewhere else.

  3. Anto says:

    It’s ok even if you personally don’t approve gay acts, but this is a plural society…

  4. Matt says:

    Good Lord sir…the average person would take an age to read this, sifting through countless words and their definitions. It IS possible to convey exact meaning WITHOUT the repetition of the endless jargon we find here. This, surely, must only be intended for readers within an inner circle of theo-philosophical discussionists fond of “vocabulary-dropping”.

    It’s just a maze of buzzwords for which there are simple alternatives, equally communicable. Why not use plain English? I know it’s plain to the discussionist clique…but come on now…

  5. Dean says:

    The “gay agenda” is real and being pushed by the left and all of it’s deviant allies.

  6. bongstar420 says:

    The creator is the Demiurge. We spoke. “He” wants me to preach some theology, preferably christianity….Except that I am ignostic and subscribe to naturalism!

    But yes, our future is as Genetically Engineered Cyborgs. We may abandon diamorphic sexuality all together. Sex is for dumb dumbs and is super inefficient.

  7. Arnie says:

    thank you Collins brothers. I believe that feminism is a degeneration of God’s roles he built into womankind. As woman rejects the Lord her creator, she has inverted her purpose to now be primarily commercial, and has now adopted the role of the bringer of global equality, and the new justice warrior class instead of the roles that God intended her to occupy: love, mercy, caring for the all the affairs of home and family, co-creation, and biblical servanthood. If man gets in the way of the “new woman”, he is pushed aside as we are seeing in all media–women are exalted as the best and superior, and men in general are put in a secondary position or worse.

    please write more on the subject.

  8. Thank you so much, Arnie. We appreciate it. We comment further on it in the following interview:

    As for writing more on the topic, you can definitely count on us to do so. There is more on this topic that will be broached in our forthcoming book. There have been several delays, but the book is actually nearing completion and, hopefully, it will be out soon. We apologize to all of the readers out there who have had to wait an inordinate amount of time for it. However, it should be worth the wait. The book will connect the topic of this article with Transhumanism and modernity’s Gnostic derision for a world of differentiated beings.

    Commensurate with the release of the new book, we plan to launch our own webpage. Of course, all plans are tentative, especially with our demanding schedules. Nevertheless, we hope to have our own little corner of cyberspace where you will be able to read more material like this. So, please be patient with us!

    Again, thank you so much for your compliments!

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