Link Pot Pie (16 Chardad, 1384 Y.Z.)
- Russ Baker has an opinion on the Bilderberg group; writes about it.
- “American New Age was and is, par excellence, a Masonic Age,” says Philip Jenkins. As is Western Esotericism proper.
- Aaron Dykes highlights the ascendancy of information technology kingpins at Bilderberg, hand-in-hand with head spooks and so-called privacy advocates.
- Professed know-it-all Neil de Grasse Tyson’s derision toward the entire discipline of philosophy. Jay rightly tears him a new one.
- Latest installment of Joyce Nelson’s “The Rockefeller Files.” Irving Oil is mentioned in connection with the Energy East pipeline. Multi-billionaire Irving and sons, by the way, run their own fiefdom here in New Brunswick, Canada, with an unmatched media monopoly never-before seen in the western world; so much so, that you never read their name in print in the entire province, unless they are kissing babies or endowing university chairs in journalism.
- John Glad makes his latest case for Eugenics by telling us that Jews believed in it too.
- Military invokes the goddess of wisdom, art and war—Illuminati mascot—to manipulate and gain intel on “social movement mobilisation and contagions.”
- No links to share on Moncton cop killings. Everything thus far has been a sad mix of reactionary rhetoric, cookie cutter conspiracism or statist cop-loving worship. (Irving, in the midst of the tragedy, disgustingly tried to profit from it with Facebook ads linked to their paywall monopoly rag papers)