Perpetual War for Perpetual Evolution Part Three
by Phillip D. Collins ©, Oct. 2nd, 2005
In the previous instalments in this series, we established the centrality of war to the elite’s occult doctrine of transformism. This occult doctrine has presented itself under numerous appellations, but its core theme has remained the same: humanity is gradually evolving towards apotheosis. The most recent incarnation of this doctrine is Darwinism, which depicts life as an enormous struggle to survive. On the microcosmic level, this struggle is bodied forth by the competition between species. On a macrocosmic level, this struggle manifests itself as war between nations. In hopes of facilitating the purported evolutionary ascent of man, the power elite has instigated war after war. In this instalment, we shall take brief glimpse at some of the hidden alchemists behind World War II.
Sci-fi Predictive Programming Revisited
In the first instalment of this series, we examined the role of sci-fi “predictive programming” in psychologically conditioning the masses for future wars. Researcher Michael Hoffman defines “predictive programming” as follows: “Predictive programming works by means of the propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future” (205). Through the circulation of science “fiction” literature, the ignorant masses are provided with semiotic intimations of coming events. Within such literary works are narrative paradigms that are politically and socially expedient to the power elite. Thus, when the future unfolds as planned, it assumes the paradigmatic character of the “fiction” that foretold it.
The societal impact of science “fiction” literature is acknowledged in The Report from Iron Mountain:
Up to now, this has been suggested only in fiction, notably in the works of Wells, Huxley, Orwell, and others engaged in the imaginative anticipation of the sociology of the future. But the fantasies projected in Brave New World and 1984 have seemed less and less implausible over the years since their publication. The traditional association of slavery with ancient preindustrial cultures should not blind us to its adaptability to advanced forms of social organization (Lewin 70)
It is interesting that the Report makes mention of H.G. Wells, for it is within his work that readers will find the most remarkable predictions concerning one of the world’s bloodiest wars: World War II.
Shaping Things to Come
If the concept of “predictive programming” seems fantastic, consider the case of H.G. Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come. Published in 1933, this book seems to predict the course of human history for years to come. Darwinian apologist and Round Table member T.H. Huxley mentored Wells. Given his membership in the overtly Anglophile Round Table organization, it is very possible that Huxley passed its tradition of British elitism onto Wells. This becomes evident in Wells’ own words, which bear eerie resemblance to the rhetoric of John Ruskin:
The British Empire . . . had to be the precursor of a world-state or nothing . . . It was possible for the Germans and Austrians to hold together in their Zollverein (tariff and trade bloc) because they were placed like a clenched fist in the centre of Europe. But the British Empire was like an open hand all over the world. It had no natural economic unity and it could maintain no artificial economic unity. Its essential unity must be a unity of great ideas embodied in the English speech and literature. (Experiments in Autobiography, 652)
There was a significant continuity of thought maintained between both Huxley and Wells. Huxley was also the grandfather of Aldous and Julian, both of which would, in turn, eventually come under the tutelage of Wells. All of these men were members of or associated with the Freemasonic Lodge and their Masonic heritage seems to make itself evident throughout their various literary works. More specifically, Wells and the Huxley brothers collectively endorsed Sir Francis Bacon’s technocratic Utopia under different banners. Such endorsements are conspicuous allusions to the Masonic concept of a “scientific dictatorship.”
Wells’s vision of a technocratic world state can be found in The Shape of Things to Come, a “mass appeal” tract disguised as a science fiction novel. Given some of its uncannily precise prognostications, the book probably should have been titled “Shaping Things to Come.” Among one of the book’s most notable predictions is the beginning of a second global conflict. Wells correctly identifies the Treaty of Versailles as the primary catalyst for the coming bloodbath:
It was only slowly during the decade following after the war that the human intelligence began to realize that the Treaty of Versailles had not ended the war at all. It had set a truce to the bloodshed, but it had done so only to open a more subtle and ultimately more destructive phase in the traditional struggle of the sovereign states. (The Shape of Things to Come, no pagination)
Indeed, Wells was correct. Built into the body of the treaty was the means by which yet another global conflict could be facilitated. Ralph Epperson elaborates:
One of the planks of the Treaty called for large amounts of war reparations to be paid to the victorious nations by the German government. This plank of the Treaty alone caused more grief in the German nation than any other and precipitated three events:
- The “hyperinflation” of the German mark between 1920 and 1923;
- The destruction of the middle class in Germany; and
- The bringing to power of someone who could end inflation; a dictator like Adolf Hitler. (261)
Commenting on the Treaty, British Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon prophetically stated: “This is no peace; this is only a truce for twenty years” (261).
Simultaneously, Wells examines (and scrutinizes) the League of Nations. Wells correctly characterizes Woodrow Wilson’s global organization as an extremely limited form of world government:
The pattern conceived by him [Wilson] was a naïve adaptation of the parliamentary governments of Europe and America to a wider union. His League, as it emerged from the Versailles Conference, was a typical nineteenth-century government enlarged to planetary dimensions and greatly faded in the process; it had an upper chamber, the Council, and a lower chamber, the Assembly, but, in ready deference to national susceptibilities, it had no executive powers, no certain revenues, no army, no police, and practically no authority to do anything at all. And even as a political body it was remote and ineffective; it was not in any way representative of the peoples of the earth as distinguished from the governments of the earth. Practically nothing was done to make the common people of the world feel that the League was theirs. Its delegates were appointed by the Foreign Offices of the very governments its only conceivable rôle was to supersede. They were national politicians and they were expected to go to Geneva to liquidate national politics. The League came into being at last, a solemn simulacrum to mock, cheat and dispel the first desire for unity that mankind had ever betrayed. (The Shape of Things to Come, no pagination)
The League’s Achilles’ heel, according Wells, was its observance of national sovereignty: “It was a League not to end sovereignties but preserve them” (no pagination). Wells candidly confesses that global government stipulates the consolidation of immense quantities of power within an omnipotent world entity. This, Wells contends, was Wilson’s greatest mistake:
Manifestly he [Wilson] wanted some sort of a world pax. But it is doubtful if at any time he realized that a world pax means a world control of all the vital common interests of mankind. (No pagination)
Ultimately, Wells attributes the inevitability of warfare to the sovereignty nation-state: “The existence of independent sovereign states IS war, white or red, and only an elaborate mis-education blinded the world to this elementary fact” (no pagination). Automatically, astute readers will recognize Wells’s globalist propensities. Again, this may have been a natural consequence of his tutelage under Round Table member T.H. Huxley. Wells’s promotion of Britain as a potential World-State certainly echoes the Anglophilic contentions of the Round Table group.
According to Wells, the second global conflict would result from a misunderstanding at a train station in Danzig, Poland. Wells elaborates:
War came at last in 1940. The particular incident that led to actual warfare in Europe was due to a Polish commercial traveller, a Pole of Jewish origin, who was so ill advised as to have trouble with an ill-fitting dental plate during the halt of his train in Danzig. He seems to have got this plate jammed in such a fashion that he had to open his mouth wide and use both hands to struggle with it, and out of deference to his fellow passengers he turned his face to the window during these efforts at readjustment. He was a black-bearded man with a long and prominent nose, and no doubt the effect of his contortions was unpleasing. Little did he realize that his clumsy hands were to release the dogs of war from the Pyrenees to Siberia.
The primary irritant seems to have been either an orange-pip or a small fragment of walnut.
Unhappily, a young Nazi was standing on the platform outside and construed the unfortunate man’s facial disarrangement into a hostile comment upon his uniform. For many of these youths were of an extreme innate sensibility. The flames of patriotic indignation shot up in his heart. He called up three fellow guards and two policemen—for like the Italian Fascisti these young heroes rarely acted alone—and boarded the train in a swift and exemplary mood. There was a furious altercation, rendered more difficult by the facts that the offending Pole knew little or no German and was still in effect gagged. Two fellow travellers, however, came to his help, others became involved, vociferation gave place to pushing and punching, and the Nazis, outnumbered, were put off the train.
Whereupon the young man who had started all the trouble, exasperated, heated and dishevelled, and seeing that now altogether intolerable Jew still making unsatisfactory passes with his hands and face at the window, drew a revolver and shot him dead. Other weapons flashed into action, and the miniature battle was brought to an end only by the engine-driver drawing his train out of the station. The matter was complicated politically by the fact that the exact status of the Danzig police was still in dispute and that the Nazis had no legal authority upon the Danzig platform. (No pagination)
Within the fictional narrative of The Shape of Things to Come, the incident at the Danzig train station exasperates international tensions. The incident swiftly escalates, triggering the mobilization and commitment of national armies to an enormous global fray. Wells describes this world war as one of the most bloody and violent episodes of human history. Does this sound familiar? In reality, the world did experience a second global conflict. History would dub it World War II.
In approximating the actual events preceding World War II, Wells displays some uncanny precision. Indeed, the actual Second World War officially began in Poland. Wells’s projected date for the war’s beginning is off by only a few months. The fictional incident in The Shape of Things to Come is somewhat similar to the border incidents that exasperated international tensions and provided the Nazis with a pretext for war. Remaining considerably close to the actual chronology of World War II, Wells places the conflict’s end in 1949.
The Coefficients Club
In light of these disturbing synchronicities, the viability of sci-fi “predictive programming” certainly seems stronger. The case is only strengthened when one examines Wells’s affiliations. In addition to being a Fabian socialist and Freemason, Wells was also a member of the Coefficients Club. Formed by Fabian socialist Beatrice Webb, this organization assembled some of Britain’s most prominent social critics and thinkers to discuss the course of the British Empire.
One of the Club’s members was none other than Fabian socialist and Malthusian ideologue Bertrand Russell. According to Russell, Wells and several other members harbored an overwhelming preoccupation with war. Russell explains:
…in 1902, I became a member of a small dining club called the Coefficients, got up by Sidney Webb for the purpose of considering political questions from a more or less Imperialist point of view. It was in this club that I first became acquainted with H. G. Wells, of whom I had never heard until then. His point of view was more sympathetic to me than that of any member. Most of the members, in fact, shocked me profoundly. I remember Amery’s eyes gleaming with blood-lust at the thought of a war with America, in which, as he said with exultation, we should have to arm the whole adult male population. One evening Sir Edward Grey (not then in office) made a speech advocating the policy of Entente, which had not yet been adopted by the Government. I stated my objections to the policy very forcibly, and pointed out the likelyhood of its leading to war, but no one agreed with me, so I resigned from the Club. It will be seen that I began my opposition to the first war at the earliest possible moment. (230)
Indeed, the Club’s proclivities towards war were strong. One Club member, Leo Maxse, had promoted war with Germany in 1902. This preoccupation with war is especially evident in much of Wells’s scientific romances. Moreover, a great deal of Wells’s work acknowledges the alchemical role of war in man’s purported evolutionary development. J.P. Vernier observes:
…I would suggest that evolution, as presented by Wells, that is a kind of mutation resulting in the confrontation of man with different species, is one of the main themes of modern science fiction. (“Evolution as a Literary Theme in H.G. Wells’s Science Fiction,” 85)
Recall the dialectical framework intrinsic to evolutionary theory. The organism (thesis) comes into conflict with nature (antithesis) resulting in a newly enhanced species (synthesis), the culmination of the evolutionary process (Marrs 127). In the case of Wells’s work, the critical mutation within humanity was facilitating by confrontation with other species (including other species of man).
Hitler’s genocidal Final Solution tangibly enacted such a dialectical framework. The German people (thesis) came into conflict with the Jew (antithesis) in hopes of creating the Aryan (synthesis). The fact that Wells “predicted” this suggests that he was privy to certain plans. Such plans may have circulated within the Coefficient Club, among other elitist think tanks. Whatever the case might be, World War II certainly synchronized with the evolutionary designs of Wells and his other oligarchical colleagues.
In the next installment of this series, we shall examine the specific ways in which the supranational elite engineered World War II.
Sources Cited
- Epperson, Ralph. The Unseen Hand. Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1985.
- Hoffman, Michael. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho: Independent History & Research, 2001.
- Lewin, Leonard, ed., The Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, New York: Dell Publishing, 1967.
- Marrs, Texe. Circle of Intrigue. Austin, Texas: Living Truth Publishers, 1995.
Wells, Herbert George. The Shape of Things to Come. 1933. Electronic Text Collection. Ed. Steve Thomas. U of Adelaide Library. 29 Oct. 2003.
- Experiments in Autobiography. New York: Macmillan Co., 1934
- Russell, Bertrand. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1967.
- Vernier, J.P. “Evolution as a Literary Theme in H.G. Wells’s Science Fiction.” H.G. Wells and Modern Fiction. Ed. Darko Suvin and Robert M. Philmus. New Jersey: Associated UP, 1977.
About the Author
Phillip D. Collins acted as the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine, MKzine, News With Views, B.I.P.E.D.: The Official Website of Darwinian Dissent and Conspiracy Archive. He has an Associate of Arts and Science. Currently, he is studying for a bachelor’s degree in Communications at Wright State University. During the course of his seven-year college career, Phillip has studied philosophy, religion, and classic literature. He also co-authored the book, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, which is
available online here. He also moderates the Yahoo discussion group “Panoptic Age.”