Dino Knudsen about Trilateral Commission
The [Trilateral] Commission's modus operandi constitutes an obvious democratic dilemma; it is an exclusive, elitist organisation that attempts to exert influence on the political sphere – but secretly.
Secret Societies, Cryptocracy and Deep Politics
by Terry Melanson · December 3, 2013
The [Trilateral] Commission's modus operandi constitutes an obvious democratic dilemma; it is an exclusive, elitist organisation that attempts to exert influence on the political sphere – but secretly.
— Dino Knudsen, in his PhD thesis "The Trilateral Commission. The Global Dawn of Informal Elite Governance and Diplomacy, 1972-1982"
Tags: Trilateral Commission
Terry Melanson
Webmaster/editor of Conspiracy Archive; author of Perfectibilists: the 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.
Power Elite / Secret Societies / Symbolism
Yale’s Skull and Bones (Various Photographs)
July 2, 2023