The Mystical Kabbalistic-Rosicrucian-Gnostic Order of the Mustard Seed
Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/01/29
I found a curious item the other day. At DeceptionBytes, Mishel wrote a post titled ‘The Hidden Agenda of The Order of the Mustard Seed.’ The first two paragraphs of which, are:
Peter Grieg of the 24-7 Prayer Movement, an international, ecumenical movement laced with Gnostic, New-Age, and Contemplative spirituality, is reviving the 17th century Order of the Mustard Seed and encouraging members to take a lifelong vow of commitment. This commitment to the vows of the Order, are to be symbolized with a ring or tattoo. The Order of the Mustard seed, which was originally a secret order started by Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, is a long dormant Masonic Order. Greig says he was inspired to resurrect the order by the 18th century Moravian renewal and the life of Count Zinzendorf. In fact, many of those in the Apostolic and Prophetic Movement, who embrace a world-view by which they believe themselves God’s Champions, bringing Heaven to Earth, have a rabid fascination with Zinzendorf and the Moravians.
Why, are so many of the ministries that seek to “take” the world for Christ, enraptured by the Moravians and why do the Moravians wield this kind of influence over this “New Breed” of Christian “emerging” in today’s post modern church era? In order to understand the horrific significance of the resurrection of this Order and the overall draw of Zinzendorf’s Moravians, it is first imperative to understand the history of this movement and how it fits together with today’s stringent social and political agenda.
The full name of the secret society was the Order of the Grain of Mustard Seed. I’m reading a book right now by Marsha Schuchard called Why Mrs Blake Cried: William Blake and the Erotic Imagination – a book-length expansion of her earlier scholarly article. There’s some rare info on Zinzendorf, Swedenborg, William Blake and the Masonic Sabbatean-Kabbalistic (antinomian) milieu of the 18th Century. The Mustard Seed secret society is mentioned a few times, too.
(p. 17):
Fired with adolescent idealism, Zinzendorf and five other schoolboys organised a secret society, the ‘Order of the Grain of Mustard Seed’, a kind of spiritual knighthood, with the count serving as Grand Master. The first article of the Order affirmed that ‘the members of our society will love the whole human family’, and as the crusaders for Christ they will seek conciliation with Jews. This enterprise would bring Zinzendorf into unusual contact with heterodox Hebrew and Christian students of Kabbala, the esoteric tradition of Jewish mysticism, seen by many Pietists as a via media between the two religions.
On page 87, she links Zinzendorf’s Mustard Seed to Swedenborg, the Jacobites, and the Ephrata Rosicrucians:
In the multi-layered symbolism of his [Swedenborg’s] dream language, he seemed to refer to his desire to join Zinzendorf’s Order of the Mustard Seed, which included members important to the Hat-Jacobite political agenda. Influenced by his initiatory experiences at Ephrata, the count had recently transformed the Order into an international, hierarchical secret society, in which ‘members were often kept unknown to each other, and their connection with the Order carefully concealed from all’. To ensure secrecy, the ‘candidate never knew the frater who received him’. According to C. G. von Murr, the new Order of the Mustard Seed was a ‘pale imitation of the Society of the Rosicrucians’ and a form of ‘spiritual Freemasonry’. While critics charged that Zinzendorf ‘bestows orders of knighthood’, his initiates wore a ‘Templar style cross’. Thus Swedenborg’s reference to the oil and mustard suggests his desire to join the intensely secretive Order of the Mustard Seed, whose Rosicrucian rituals would give him new life.
In the next paragraph Schuchard asserts that Zinzendorf was interested in alchemy; that some the Moravian brethren experimented with “chemicals and crucibles,” and had a “Notion of Divinity [that] is apt to appear almost like Alchemy, or the Art of Making the Philosopher’s Stone” – the latter being a direct quote from a Zinzendorf maxim.
The last mention by Schuchard of the Mustard Seed Order is on page 106. She mentions the Order in connection with the Kartabhajas of India. Moravian missionaries, it seems, learned of tantric sexual magic from these hindi masters (as well as from the Sabbatean Kabbalists). And curiously, she says, “the burning of spark-emitting mustard seeds was a ‘standard feature’ of the Tantrists’ sorcery.”
“The burning of spark emitting mustard seeds” sounds like coded speech for activating the kundalini gland at the base of the spine.
This is just the sort of information I was looking for! I am of British descent and grew up in apartheid SA. I lived in a rural, 99℅ Afrikaans area and the religious studies we were taught in school were just bizarre! The easiest way to describe it is by replacing all instances of the Jewish people in the bible with the “Afrikaner volk” and replacing Israel with South Africa. I can’t tell you how many times it was said ” this is OUR land of milk and honey – God said so!” Of course, being English, I was the spawn of the devil – not exaggerating, that’s what they said.
While the sentiments are overtly Zionist and have resulted in many not-so-secret societies, for example the Lions club and Round Table (a creation of Cecil John Rhodes – actual British scum), I have not been able to pinpoint their origin here amongst Protestant settlers in SA.
Until I chanced upon a little forgotten missionary station in Genadendal here in SA, where the symbolism of the Moravian Brotherhood which started it just rung too many bells, none of which I could clearly illuminate. Had to dig and it led me here.
Unfortunately this madness has come to its full fruition. The Afrikaners have been stock-piling weapons for their final crusade for the promised land – I kid you not! Guess it helps that they have their “prophet” Siener van Rensburg laying out the plan step by step.
It took me so long to find proof (I knew all along) of this connection. I can only hope it’s not too late to warn people before the madness starts.
What am I saying!? No-one will believe me :/ Thank you, none-the-less!
You know what? Your comment is what got this article banned from making money off of Google ads: “AdSense Publisher Policy Violation.” They don’t tell what or how to fix. My only conclusion is that you used the dreaded word “zionist.”
You know what else? I don’t give a fuck. Free speech on this site. Period. And I am the owner/moderator. I’ve only banned one person – one – for spamming. This site has been running since 2002.
Ditching Google soon anyway. Big middle finger to “Your AdSense Publisher Policy Violation Report for pub-3761544663336296 on Feb 7, 2023.”
New to the site. So much valuable information. Very glad to see this post.
Thank you.
Thank you!
I believe you, I am thinking that many of the ‘churches’ in America actually have roots in the occult. When a true Christian enters their sacred sanctuaries, thy are rejected for anything except as a small child Sunday school teacher. They are then closely watched. It is strictly enforced that the said teacher only teach from their published material. It doesn’t matter how boring and incomplete it is when compared to the actual Word of God. Blessings in your continued searches. May The Lord protect you and give you wisdom beyond your years.