Eugenics, the Council for National Policy (CNP), and the Pioneer Fund
Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2008/10/13
Here’s a link to a Collins brothers article: The Seduction of Sarah Palin: Eugenics, CNP, and the Pioneer Fund.
Through the incredible work of the Collins brothers I have finally gotten a grasp on the entire fascist nexus of the elite in America. This latest one literally wraps it all up: from the current vetting of Palin by the CNP to the Pioneer Fund to the Nazis and the Eugenic establishment (then and now).
It has become customary since the ascendancy of Bush II for ‘fascism’ to be leisurely thrown about as a description of the current state of affairs in America. Rather than a haphazard utterance, as is too often the case, I believe the work of the Collins brothers – taken as a whole – has proven it beyond a doubt. It is no accident that the Eugenics movement of the Eastern Establishment aided and abetted the final solution of Nazi Germany, and were the brains and money behind the entire apparatus of population control throughout the 20th century. And it is no accident that those same eugenic networks continue to operate today, and are intimately connected with the Council for National Policy (CNP). It is truly no accident we smell “fascism” in the air: the Nazis, the Harrimans, the Bushes, the Osborns, Skull and Bones, the Neocons, the CNP, the Dominionists, the Rockefellers, and the Eugenicists are all the same creature.
There’s one resource for the serious investigator that I wish would get utilized more often: The American Eugenics Society – Members, Officers And Directors Activites Database. I compiled it into a single file in 2005 from Eugenics Watch, culled from the Wayback Machine. At the time, Eugenics Watch had just moved their site and the old URLs to the membership pages were gone. Since then, however, they have now rectified the situation (except for the Directors M-Z).
Their research comes from archives of the eugenicists and eugenics societies themselves. As an example of the quality of the data, here’s some names mentioned in the latest article by the Collins Brothers with a bit of their bios excerpted from the above-mentioned file.
Osborn, Major General Frederick – Advisory Council 1928-81; Member 1930; Director 1935; sec. 1936; Sec./Treas. 1936-45 (1940 Treas. only); Pres., 1946-52; Secretary 1954-59; Secretary/ Treasurer 1960-68; Treasurer 1969-73; Director 1969-72; Member 1974
The most significant figure in the Society from 1938 until his death in 1973 was a secret racist; developed the “eugenic hypothesis” “voluntary unconscious selection” and “Crypto-eugenics” and “reform eugenics” which were the most significant post war policies of the Society; was President of the Pioneer Fund from 1947 to 1956; sympathized with idea of deporting the African Americans to Africa but did not consider it a practical possibility
b. 1889; nephew of H. F. Osborn Sr. q.v.; relative of Osborn of the railroads; connected through his family with many of the significant eugenic families such as the Dodges of Phelps Dodge; Princeton 1910; father was on the Board of Trustees of Princeton and helped found the Office of Population Research at Princeton; Trinity College, Cambridge, England 1911; chief of the domino warehouses during World War I, i.e., Red Cross Field Officer; worked in finance; financed Third Eugenical Congress (i.e., advanced seed money, paid debts at end; see Chase p. 326); 1937 helped found Pioneer Fund, a racist group; 1939 Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood, another racist group; 1940 Research Associate in anthropology, American Museum of Natural History which was founded by his uncle; 1940 took part in Birth Control Federation of America’s symposium on “Race Building in a Democracy”, where he spoke on eugenics; Chmn., Advisory Committee on Selective Service during World War II (see P. E. Vernon (ES), A. D. Buchanan Smith (ES), D. W. LaRue q.v. and John Flanagan to form an idea of the extent of eugenic influence over officer and cook selection); Major General in Charge of Morale, World War II (this became Information and Education); Morale is propaganda on the home front, so it is here that he developed propaganda skills used in propaganda strategies, such as that set forth in “Galton and Mid Century Eugenics; Destroyed unit cohesion in the US Army by introducing system of individual rather than unit return; The American Soldier; US representative on Atomic Energy Commission (see W. J. Schull, H. Newcombe); Pioneer Fund (Pres. 1947-56); American Eugenics Society (Pres. 1946-52); “reformed” eugenics by developing crypto-eugenics; co-founder with John D. Rockefeller III of the Population Council 1953 (Staff 1969-72); ‘furthered the establishment of UN Demographic training centers” (Obit); Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1954; Population Assn. of America 1940-45; Eugenical News, Advisory Board 1936[…]
Draper, Wickliffe P.;
Member 1930, 1956
textile manufacturer; Massachusetts 1930; 322 East 57th St., New York City 1956; Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1954;
financed the Pioneer Fund; W. P. Draper believed that the African-Americans should become Africans again; Frederick Osborn (q.v.) was president of the Pioneer Fund after World War II; he shared Draper’s goals but believed that other means would be equally efficacious and have some chance of being adopted; one such means was birth control; Osborn’s connection with this racist group after World War II is evidence that he could not have reformed eugenics
— The Pioneer Fund:
1987 Pres. Harry Weyher; Treas. John B. Trevor, Jr.; Directors: William B. Miller, Randolph L. Speight, Marion A. Parrott
— University of Minnesota, Dept. of Psychology; T. J. Bouchard Jr.
— 1986 $132,000, study of twins and adoptive siblings
— 1987 $100, 000 study of twins and adoptive siblings
— 1990 $120,000 study of twins reared apart; Minnesota Center for Twins and Adoption Research of the Dept. of Psychology
— 1991 $105,000 study of twins raised apart
— University of Western Ontario, Dept. of Psychology, Social Science Center, London, Ontario, Canada (J. P. Rushton is at this University which is in the heart of Tory country. The Tories were the group that opposed the American Revolution and emigrated to Canada afterwards.)
— 1986 $17, 934, research on genetic basis, nature and extent of individual and racial differences; (research needed to determine if this relates to the work of J. P. Rushton)
— 1987 $60,603 research on genetic basis, nature and extent of certain individual and racial differences
— 1990 continuation of studies in Western Ontario Twin and Adoption Project
— 1991 $175,654 socio-biology of individual and group differences; Western Ontario Twin and Adoption Project; sex differences in cognitive abilities; (Eugenics Watch research project: Where is E. O. Wilson and his close associates, who wrote Sociobiology ?)
— Charles Darwin Research Institute, 1904-323 Colborne St, London, Ontario, N6B 3N8, Canada
— 1990 $100,000 for analysis of archival data relating to the socio-biology of individual and group differences[…]
Also, Wickliffe Draper’s father was a member of the American Eugenics Society as well:
Draper, George;
Member 1930; (Member, Third International Congress of Eugenics, New York 1932)
New York 1930; 33 East 68th St. New York City 1932
Source: Sanger list 1930; A Decade of Progress in Eugenics, Baltimore 1934
Laughlin, Harry Hamilton – Pres., 1927-28; Director 1923-39
b. 1880 Iowa; d. Jan 26, 1943; Eugenics Record Office (Founder 1910, Supt. 1910-21, in charge 1921-40); Expert Eugenic Agent for Cttee on Immigration House of Reps 1921-31 (Committee responsible for the Johnson Act by means of which the Jews attempting to flee Hitler were excluded, including Arno Motulsky q.v.); Second International Congress on Eugenics (in charge of exhibits 1921); in charge of research on genetics of thoroughbred horse since 1923 (see Margaret Sanger’s slogan “breeding a race of thoroughbreds”); worked on Buck v. Bell decision; Pres., Pioneer Fund from its inception to 1941; educ. Princeton ScD 1917; epileptic; childless by choice; Representative to International Federation of Eugenics Organizations (IFEO) for Eugenics Research Association (elected at New York Congress, 1921); Mem: Permanent Emigration Comm. of International Labor Office (ILO), League of Nations 1925; eugenics associate, Psychopathic Laboratory, Municipal Court, Chicago, 1921-30 (see Olsen q.v. and “Eugenical Sterilization in the United States, Municipal Court Chicago” 1922); Member: Galton Society, Eugenics Research Assn. (Sec. Treas., 1917-39), International Comm. Eugenics since 1921; Secretary, Third International Congress Eugenics 1932; Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood 1939[…]
Jensen, Arthur R.;
Member 1974, 1989; Eugenics Quarterly/Social Biology BR 1970
b. 1923; 30 Canyon View Dr., Orinda, CA 94563; read E. L. Thorndike q.v. and became interested in psychology; PhD (psychology) Columbia Univ. 1956, “Aggression in Fantasy and Overt Behavior”; 1955-56, Psychiatric Institute, Univ. of Maryland; USPHS fellowship to study with H. J. Eysenck (ES), Psychiatric Institute, London, England (a nest of eugenicists); Jensen was “deeply impressed by several of his [Eysenck’s] books” and said of his studies with Eysenck `” `Nearly all my work since then has directly or indirectly grown out of the kind of problems I became involved with during this period in Eysenck’s Department From then till now [1973] I can perceive an essentially unbroken continuity in the things I have been doing as a researcher … [I am] most concerned with how and why persons differ behaviorally from one another, as they so obviously do’. He was particularly influenced by the [Eysenck’s] quantitative and experimental approach to personality research” (Current Biography, 1973, p. 210); 1958 Univ. of California at Berkeley, (1958 School of Education; Institute of Personality Assessment 1959-61; Institute of Human Learning (co founder; Prof. of educational psychology 1966-(1973)); many of his studies were financed by grants from “the US Office of Education, the US Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the University of California’s Institute of Social Sciences” (1973 Current Biography, p. 210); in 1962 funded by these groups Jensen began testing minority schoolchildren with `culture free tests; Conclusion: there are two types of intelligence 1. rote memory of facts in which ability is equally distributed through all races and 2. conceptual learning (that which is measured by IQ tests) and this ability occurs with greater frequency among whites than blacks and somewhat more frequently among Orientals than whites; from other studies he concluded that “80 percent of intelligence is due to genetic factors and only 20 per cent to environment” 1973, Current Biography, p. 211); combining these ideas led to the conclusion “that the well known differences in performance on intelligence tests … were due to inherent and essentially unchangeable differences between the two races, rather than to the effects of poverty, discrimination and similar remediable factors … the implications of Jensen’s findings for school reform … he called for the establishment of diverse programs to match differences in the learning ability and readiness of individual pupils” (1973 Current Biography, p. 211); 1969 published “How much can we boost IQ and scholastic achievement”, Harvard Educational Review, v. 39, p. 1 ff which put forward these “findings” and conclusions; the article was read into the Congressional Record by a Southern Congressman (May 28, 1969, v. 115, #88, pp. 4270-4298), a research project would be to find out whether this Congressman was associated with the Pioneer Fund, as some say Senator Eastland was; or the White Citizens Councils; 1964-1965 Guggenheim Fellowship , studied in London with Eysenck again, also influenced by Cyril Burt, whose fraudulent IQ studies were exposed as a consequence of the furor over Jensen (see Cyril Burt, psychologist, Hearnshaw (ES); Not In Our Genes, R. Lewontin q.v.; The Mismeasurement of Man, S. Gould; The Legacy of Malthus, Chase; A Question of Intelligence, Seligman; this last presents the revisionist view that Burt was not a fraud; see below for Seligman’s account of Jensen’s latest correlation of long legs, deep pockets and high IQ)); 1966-67 Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science; Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1973 (this account draws heavily on the account in Current Biography)[…]
Many haven’t heard of the Pioneer Fund before – I know it had escaped my radar. I have just found what seems like the definite book on it: William H. Tucker, The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund, University of Illinois Press, 2002. Here’s Google’s description of it:
The Pioneer Fund, established in 1937 by Wickliffe Preston Draper, is one of the most controversial nonprofit organizations in the United States. Long suspected of misusing social science to fuel the politics of oppression, the fund has specialized in supporting research that seeks to prove the genetic and intellectual inferiority of blacks while denying its ties to any political agenda.
This powerful and provocative volume proves that the Pioneer Fund has indeed been the primary source for scientific racism. Revealing a lengthy history of concerted and clandestine activities and interests, The Funding of Scientific Racism examines for the first time archival correspondence that incriminates the fund’s major players, including Draper, acting president Harry F. Weyher, and others.
Divulging evidence of the Pioneer Fund’s political motivations, William H. Tucker links Draper to a Klansman’s crusade to repatriate blacks in the 1930s. Subsequent directors and grantees are implicated in their support of campaigns organized in the 1960s to reverse the Brown decision, prevent passage of the Civil Rights Act, and implement a system of racially segregated private schools.
Tucker shows that these and other projects have been officially sponsored by the Pioneer Fund or surreptitiously supervised by its directors. This evidence demonstrates that any results of genuine, scientific value produced with the fund’s support have been a salutary, if incidental, consequence of its actual purpose: to provide ammunition for what has essentially been a lobbying campaign to prevent the full participation of blacks in society and the polity.
Further reading
The Inherent Racism of Population Control
Stefan Kühl’s Examination of Pioneer Fund Tactics
The Sterilization of America: A Cautionary History
Harry Laughlin’s “Model Eugenical Sterilization Law”