The Deep Politics of God: The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal (Part 1 of 2)

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3 Responses

  1. Jeremy says:

    You forgot to mention that the Roman Catholic Church has taught dominionism for millennia. Another knight of Malta in the CNP is Gen. Jerry Boykin who served as undersecretary of defense for intelligence under George W Bush who was a fake Christian as all of the people in this group are.

    • Can’t find his name on any lists. He did give a speech at one of their meetings in 2011 though, but that’s part of the pull of the CNP as they can book the likes of a Boykin or a Rumsfeld to give a talk. Reince Priebus gave a speech at that year’s CNP conference as well. Conway and Bannon are bonafide members (or were as late as 2014) that have influential roles in the administration.

  2. Is there any evidence Lamarck or Julien-Joseph Virey were Masons?

    Jeremy is correct in that some forms of Post-Millenialism and Amillenism are basically DOminionism even if they didn’t use that term, which begins with Augustine’s City of God.

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